Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Flexible Work Arrangements Build Loyalty
Flexible Work Arrangements Build LoyaltyFlexible Work Arrangements Build LoyaltyFlexible Work Arrangements Build LoyaltyWith tight hiring budgets and few qualified applicants, the old approach of on-site, full-time and 9-to-5 is falling by the wayside for many companies. Employers around the country are meeting their project deadlines and need for quality by engaging employees in a wide range of non-traditional employment configurations. Some smart employers are also holding on to top talent who would otherwise resign by engaging employees with flexible arrangements. Employers who insist on conventional full-time employment are setting themselves up for long fill times and the unnecessary misery of trying to find qualified full-time people.Keep the Good OnesWhen a job opening is created, broaden your usual approach. In addition to seeking a full-time replacement, consider offering exiting employees, ex-employees and job applicants a non-traditional arrangement that meets immediate co mpany and candidate needs. For example, a manager faced with a valued employees resignation in order to return to school, care for an elderly parent or child, or because of health problems, could offer to reconfigure the job, enabling the employee to continue to work. Here are a few ideasPart-time hourly work (even one day a week)Job sharingOn a per project basisTelecommuting from home with regular online or in-rolle meetingsBy continuing a relationship with an excellent employee, the organization is more likely to avoid the hidden costs of turnover, including missed deadlines, quality issues, customer/client problems and even domino effect employee turnover. Youll likely need to hire a second person to take over the balance of responsibilities, but it is easier to find such candidates today than it was just five or 10 years ago.Fill in the GapsEx-employees and potential hires may be very interested in other, even more creative ways to be associated with your organization. Right Man agement, an international human resources consulting firm with more than 200 offices worldwide, requires the availability of a small army of trained consultants who are engaged as needed to assist corporate clients undergoing large downsizings. Some individuals use their vacations days to work for RMC.Whether for sporadic needs or ongoing requirements, many employers cultivate hiring opportunities withEx-employees or others working for non-competing businessesConsultants who are available as neededStay-at-home momsDownsized individuals at all levelsAdult studentsRetired professionalsThese candidates tend to know others with similar work preferences and skills, and can be terrific employee referral sources. Employers intent on achieving goals within budget and time parameters are using this emerging strategy. They are also listening to the needs of talented individuals who seek alternative work arrangements by matching them to the work that needs to be accomplished. Employees hired a nd developed creatively reward employers with loyalty.
Friday, December 27, 2019
13 Tricks Advertisers Use to Get You to Spend Your Money
13 Tricks Advertisers Use to Get You to Spend Your Money13 Tricks Advertisers Use to Get You to Spend Your MoneyThe craft of advertising itself is hundreds of years old, but it has evolved into a science in the last 50 or 60 years, with creativity and methodology working together to sell you hard. The following 13 strategies used by advertisers have had great success in selling products and services for a couple of generations, and continue to be used most often. Scare Tactics The message here is that bad things might happen to you if you dont have this product or service. This is most often used to sell products related to security, personal safety, or health. But fear can creep into advertising for many other products and services. For instance, the fear of missing out (or FOMO) is increasingly used to persuade consumers. In an age when information and entertainment are ubiquitous, how do you make sure you see everything youre supposed to see? Thats why you need this phone, thi s app, or this TV package. The Promise of Happiness The promise of happiness never loses its power. From cars and jewelry to dating services and electronic gadgets, the basic message never changes Buy this product or service and youll be filled with joy. The promised happiness is real but fleeting. Pretty soon, youre looking for a new thing to bring back that feeling of elation. This is sometimes called retail therapy. Status Anxiety Otherwise known as keeping up with the Joneses. You may love your three-year-old Honda, but a top-of-the-line BMW will make your neighbors green with envy. Use of this strategy has, if anything, increased in recent years with the proliferation of new-and-improved gadgets. That is why many people you know have traded in their perfectly good smartphones for new models that cost far more. Limiting Availability Creating artificial scarcity is a great way to boost demand. This is why many manufacturers produce limited-edition versions of their pr oducts to tie in with current movies or TV series. A little extra branding is applied to a product that isnt at all scarce- but the variation is. Nike produces limited-edition sneakers and people pay huge sums for them in the secondary market. Becoming Your Friend One way to create brand awareness is to make a product appear to have the endorsement of your own circle of friends, or at least people like your friends. Social media campaigns have done an extraordinary job of finessing this strategy with fun videos and messages encouraging you to interact with the brand message. These marketing campaigns are, of course, mixed in with posts from your real friends. When you next buy a certain product or service, guess which brand you reach for? Positive Association Brands love to associate themselves with the positive qualities that celebrities embody. Someone is always the baddest tough guy, the model with the most gorgeous hair, or the sports star with the fastest feet. Brands t ake this positive association and attach it indelibly to their products. One of the more subtle uses of this strategy is the product placement, in which a brand is inserted neatly but leid too unobtrusively into a movie or television show. Making You Laugh Why are so many Super Bowl ads funny? Why do so many social media marketing posts make you laugh? The answer is simple. Laughter is a positive emotion, and when you link a positive association with a brand, consumers are more likely to choose it. Even insurance companies and banks use humor, and these are not products that most of us want to entrust to a comedian. But humor works. It certainly is a more effective marketing tool than a plain recitation of facts. Humanizing Things and Animals Its known as anthropomorphism, and in advertising, its a surefire way to get you to sit up and take notice. Talking animals like the Geico gecko, the Aflac duck, and Tony the Tiger are prime examples. Its unexpected, its usually humorou s, and it encourages us to connect emotionally with the brand. Variations include giving human features to inanimate objects. A prosaic thing has become cute and likable. aya you want to buy that thing. Reverse Psychology This strategy can be as obvious as Patagonias famous Dont Buy This Jacket ad, or more subtle, like the incredible Lemon ad for Volkswagen. In the latter example, they called their own car a lemon, but when you found out why, you wanted it more. This is intended to give the consumer a false sense of control and superiority. In effect, it says dont tell me what to do or think, Ill do that myself. Its a time-honored strategy for dealing with children, and it works just as well on adults. Sex Appeal Sex sells...it really does. And sexually charged imagery has been used to sell beer, cars, phones, clothing, cheeseburgers (looking at you, Carls Jr.), and even furniture. We all fall for it. Its a deeply natural response, and the fact that it usually has nothing to do with the product itself seems to have no impact whatsoever. The Emptiness Within No advertiser will tell you bluntly that your life is awful but it will be better if you buy this product. But they can suggest it, and they do. This technique often uses before-and-after images to dramatize just how much better someone like you feels after buying that new coat, watch, or car. A common variation illustrates how youll feel even worse if you make the wrong choice. Celebrity Endorsement This is a variation on the strategy of creating associations with celebrities. With platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook, celebrity endorsements are bigger and subtler than ever. A makeup brand lingering in obscurity could run a multi-million dollar branding and awareness campaign. Or it could pay Kim Kardashian West $250,000 to endorse it on Instagram. That may sound like a lot, but with more than 100 million followers, she can give a brand a lot of bang for its buck. Peer Pressur e Most consumers dont care to be out there on the bleeding edge of a new product or service. There are early adopters, and then there are the masses who buy it once it has gained acceptance. This strategy attempts to persuade you that youre the only one in your peer group that doesnt own X product or service. Nobody really wants to be an outsider.
Sunday, December 22, 2019
Less Common Signs You Have a Bad Manager - The Muse
Less Common Signs You Have a Bad Manager - The MuseLess Common Signs You Have a Bad Manager Its pretty obvious when you have a horrible boss. From the verbal abuse to the micromanaging to the refusal to respect your time, it doesnt take a genius to recognize when your manager is the sole cause of your misery.But sometimes, the signs arent so obvious. Especially when the person you report to is likable, perfectly pleasant, and competent. But those traits dont mean jack if, actually, your boss isnt a good boss. In fact, I hate to be the bearer of badeanstalt news but its entirely possible that what you have on your hands is a bad manager, and its high time you face it, unless you dont give a fig about your career.These five signs might surprise you, but stop for a second and think about the damage theyre causing (think stunted career and lack of advancement). While it might be nice to work under someone you get along with, thats far from the only thing you should value in this relati onship.1. They Never Offer Critical FeedbackTheres always plenty of praise. Your supervisor knows how to say thank you and lets you know youre doing good work, but they dont know how to give you constructive feedback, which can ultimately help you produce better work and grow you into a leader yourself. What to DoAsk for feedback. Say, I appreciate hearing what Im doing well, but Im always looking to improve, and so itd be useful to me if you were able to start incorporating critical feedback into our meetings so I know what to focus on.2. They Dont Recognize Your potenzialYou may be OK with the way things are going at work. You wouldnt exactly say youre coasting- you just know how to do your job really well. After all, youve been doing the same thing for the past two and a half years. Youve been given mora tasks, and you always handle them with aplomb. Dont mistake this with growth or realized potential. If its true that youve been handling the same items since you started (even if your to-do list has steadily increased), you may be stuck in a rut, your mental muscles atrophying. What to DoArticulate your desire to expand your skill set and take on more responsibility that goes beyond simply taking on more of what you already do. If your request goes unheard and nothing changes, it might be time to look for a new job, one where you can make the most of your abilities and rise through the ranks like you deserve. 3. They Have No Idea How Hard Youre WorkingYour manager sees you in the office and assumes your hours are more or less similar to theirs. The reality, however, is that youre doing a couple of hours of work each night and many more over the weekend. Your vacations are not unplugged. Nope, youre answering to clients and putting in an hour of work during your morning commute. If you did the math, youd estimate youre working about 65 hours a week. You like the work, so its not the worst thing ever, but its stressful and exhausting. What to DoAdmitting your e feeling overworked and overwhelmed isnt fun, but its necessary if, all things considered, youre happy doing what youre doing, but you just cant sustain the pace. Muse writer Jennifer Winter offers three options for broaching this tough topic.4. They Play Favorites (and Youre the Favorite)Its nice to be the teachers pet, isnt it? Who doesnt want to be appreciated by the person in charge of their paycheck? Step back though and try to put yourself in others shoes and ask yourself how it would feel to have your manager favor your co-worker and regularly snub you. Being best buddies might feel good in the moment, but its inappropriate and unprofessional, and it isnt teaching you a darn thing.What to DoSince you probably dont want to call him out for this behavior, you can try to work around it. Praise your co-workers efforts and regularly point out the kollektivwork involved in completing projects. This might as well be called advanced managing up. Your goal is not to get him to start ignoring you, but to envelop the whole team5. They Prioritize the Team Over the CompanyYour managers super territorial and cares about each and every person on their team like youre all their own children. The work your group is responsible for is the number one priority, and, as a result, they often reject cross-collaboration opportunities with other teams or refuse to modify their way of thinking and doing to better work as a whole company and not just a small part of it.What to DoThe next time you get wind of a project that would allow you to work with another department, speak up before they have a chance to pass it onto someone else. Let them know you recognize your priorities within the team but that youre also quite interested in this new initiative and think it would ultimately benefit the company if you were able to spend time on things that speak to the organizations overall mission.The good news is that most of these situations can be resolved with a frank conversation. C onsidering the nightmarish work situations out there, these arent so awful. Still, you dont want to be deceived by seemingly harmless things that could negatively impact your career. And the sooner you take action, the sooner you can get ahead.
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
7 Tips on Being the Right Kind of Professional at Work
7 Tips on Being the Right Kind of Professional at Work 7 Tips on Being the Right Kind of Professional at Work Article by Karin VandraissA few minutes into my morning commute, I glanced up from my book and inwardly groaned. When I should have been looking out across the water at the Seattle skyline, I was headed down an unfamiliar side street toward a neighborhood nowhere near my sekretariat.I pulled out my phone to send my babo a quick email Good morning, just wanted to let you know Ill be in a few minutes late. Bus trouble She shot back a cheery, No problem, see you soon I then sent my coworker a text with a few choice words and emojis about my inability to master public transportation.After nearly a year at my current job, I know its customary to send a note if youll be arriving significantly later than usual as a courtesy. Although my boss and I are on very friendly terms, a quick email is more appropriate than texting but I do have friends who wouldnt think twice about sending their boss a text, emojis and all, or wouldnt have sent an update in the first place because that would be considered overkill in their office.No two company cultures are quite the same, and figuring out what professional means in your office or even just on your immediate team isnt always easy.Professionalism will differ depending on your line of work as well for example, my internal emails laden with Full House gifs probably wouldnt fly at my best friends law firm.It took me a few weeks of careful observation to get the lay of the land at my new job. To do so, I had to observe everythingfrom what my new coworkers were wearing to whether they took lunch or ate at their desks. I took mental notes (more trendy jeans than traditional geschftliches miteinander casual wear same went for going out versus working through lunch). A similar mentality seemed to apply to communication style as well, which leaned toward casual rather than overly formal.I took particular note of the emails I was receiving, because today there is such a thing as being too professional. Although theres still a time and place for formalities, most people I work with have adopted a more business casual approach to communication (both in person and from behind a computer), one that makes it seem like youre actually interacting with another human being rather than a robot.But findingthat perfect combination of personable and consummate professional is a learned skill. Luckily, I happen to work with a few people who seem to have mastered the concept, and Ive picked up a few things from themThe Art of the EmailNavigating the subtle nuances of email is an art form one punctuation misstep and things can go downhill quickly. Ionce spent a full day agonizing over a five-line email, my finger hovering over send like the free world depended on my message being executed perfectly.1. Watch Your ToneAlthough you shouldnt give any email that much thought, you should think a little aboutthe tone youre g oing for inthe message and the appropriate level of formality. When first writing someone, I aim for conversational, letting my personal voice show through while retaining the basic elements of formality, like a proper greeting, punctuation, spelling, etc. Depending on the response, Ill adjust my correspondence accordingly. In my experience, matching another persons tone can often make for better communication. (But dont feel the need to sacrifice your intellectual integrity for someone intent on typingu instead of you.)2. The Period Is No Longer NeutralYou can feel the chill from across the office when someone sends you a sentence purposefully cut short with a period. Once unthreatening, this punctuation mark can now convey a healthy dose of snark, sternness, or even aggression. Take a second glance at your next message to make sure that period doesnt make you sound unintentionally menacing or uptight.3. Its Okay to Use Exclamation Points (Sparingly)Exclamation points can be effect ive ways to express enthusiasm (or give an otherwise flat email a sense of levity) if used with restraint. I try to stick to one per email, and I draw a firm line at emoticons.4. Your Sign-Off Can Say a LotA few years ago, I wouldnt have thought anything of it, but today, ending an email with Thanks can make you seem inadvertently curt. I usually use Best or All the best if Im feeling fancy. I dont see Sincerely too often anymore, except on college intern applications.But Dont Get Too ComfortableWhether its via email or face to face, there are still a few areas where you can never be too professional, no matter how its defined in your workplace. At the end of the day, yourestill at work. Being able to preserve working relationships should always be high on your priority list.5. Be TactfulEven if your office has a laid-back vibe, its pretty hard to come back from an uncomfortably flippant or politically incorrect remark. Use your filter. Whether yourein a brainstorming session or jus t chatting in the break room, youre still in a work environment. Theres a level of professional respect expected you never know what might offend another person.6. Be ConstructiveIf theres an issue, offer a solution dont just continue the negativity. It makes people uncomfortable and detracts focus from solving the problem. Avoid comments that could come off as belittling or condescending, especially in group settings.7. Keep Your CoolThrowing a temper tantrum at work will instantly mark you with a glowing neon sign above your head that reads, Cant keep it together like an adult. A temper tantrumincludes slamming drawers, stomping around, sighing loudly, and/or aggressively muttering to yourself. If you have an issue with someone or something, take a walk, count to 10, or do whatever it is you need to do to keep yourself from losing it. If you feel the need to raise the concern with a superior, collect your thoughts beforehand and head into the room with a cool head.A version of th is article originally appeared on SUCCESS.com.Karin Vandraiss is a Seattle-based writer and editor with a background in food and travel. She recently returned to the West Coast after receiving her masters degree from the Medill School of Journalism. She spends her off-hours exploring local restaurants and bars and hiking her way through the Pacific Northwest.
Thursday, December 12, 2019
7 ways to make your commute more productive
7 ways to make your commute mora productive7 ways to make your commute mora productiveTheres a reason we think people who live close to work are really lucky. Most of us dont have that luxury and have to spend an average of an hour getting to and from work every day. Thats a lot of time to waste just sitting in a packed subway car scrolling through your Twitter feed.But if theres no way to avoid the commute, why notlagelage make the most of that time and do something useful? It doesnt matter if you walk to work or travel by car or train, there are plenty of things to keep your commute productive.Take a napIf you often find yourself zoning out while on a bus or a train, you may want to take a quick nap to help your brain recharge.Sleep is known to increase productivity (just like the lack thereof is known to decrease it), so switching off your brain even for a few minutes (unless youre driving or course) could be a great way to restore your mental energy and boost your creative powers . Just make sure not to miss your stop.Get some work doneNot all of us are into doing work outside of our office hours, and thats completely understandable. However, a train or a bus commute is absolutely perfect to knock out a few simple tasks.Reply to emails, review a report, or read up on some industry news. That way youll be able to use the rest of your day to focus on really important stuff. If your company is using a time tracker, log the spent time into mobile timesheet app to get paid later.Plan aheadConstant phone calls, conversations, doors opening and closing all the time most offices are usually not the quietest and relaxing environment, so getting your thoughts in order and doing some planning and organizing can be a bit of a pain. So why not use your commute to clear your head and do some thinking?Get an app on your phone for notes, or use a voice assistant if youre driving. Go through your to-do list, explore a new idea, discover solutions to a problem or reflect on a difficult project. Traveling time is great for thinking.Learn something newIt may not seem like that much at first glance, but the time you spend on commutes every day can add up to several dozen working days over the course of a year.And tempting as it is to use your daily commute as a chance to just relax and do nothing, its hard to argue that a far more productive way to spend all that time would be to tune into a podcast, an audiobook, or a TED Talk.Hell, just crack open a book youve been meaning to read, or even start learning a new language. Its not about not having enough time, its about being smart about the time you have.Listen to musicMost people probably wouldnt consider listening to music as a productive use of time, but its not entirely true. Music can have a tremendous effect on our overall mood and attitude, so listening to music on your way to work can help you start your day on a more positive note (pun fully intended).If youre feeling anxious when arriving at wor k, music can help you reduce some of that stress and get into the right mindset, so that youre ready to face any challenges with confidence.Mix things upWhen it comes to commuting to work its easy to fall into a familiar pattern. After all, how exciting can walking the same four blocks to the subway station be when youve done it literally hundreds of times before.So why not mix things up every now and then? Do you take a bus to work? Consider walking next time. Do you commute by car?Take a bike insteadBreaking up your usual routine like this will not only provide a nice change of scenery but also allow your brain to switch gears, giving your mental energy a much-needed boost.For a lot of people daily commutes are seen as boring and wasted time, but they dont have to be. There are so many ways to stay productive on your way to and from work, whether you drive a car or use public transport. Try incorporating some of the things mentioned above into your routine and get more out of your day7 ways to make your commute more productiveFor many people, the commute into work can seem like a huge waste of time and not to mention monotonous and mundane yet there are so many ways you can make this time productive and start your day off right. Most people utilize their commute time to work on side projects, catch up on work emails, or to listen to interesting and engaging podcasts whatever you do, why not take this time to really work on what you love.Here, the experts at Datadial have listed 7 ways you can make your commute more productive.1. Work on a side hustleEveryone has that side hustle a side project or passion that takes us away from our normal day-job and allows us be creative and passionate about something completely different. If you have a passion or project that you want to work on but find you dont have the time in-between your job and social life, then your commute is a fantastic time to get started on this.2. Listen to podcastsPodcasts have become hugely popular recently and with so many available to choose from, you are guaranteed to never be bored on your commute again. Whether its educational, cultural or interview based, listening to something you enjoy can spark creativity and get you mentally prepared for the day.3. Write a blogMost people have a blog nowadays, and why not Its a great way to get your thoughts and passions down in a place thats your own and can sometimes be quite profitable. Many bloggers who have been writing for some time capitalize on their content if its engaging to their audience, so not only is your commute a great time to get some quality writing done, it might also mean a few extra dollars in your pocket.4. Catch up on emailsYes this one is work related however if you have quite a full on job which is quite time-consuming, sometimes using your morning commute to go through emails, or to prep for meetings can mean you arrive to work feeling much more prepared and ahead of schedule, which means no mad e mail replying before youve even had time to have a coffee result5. Read a good bookSometimes all you need on your commute to pass the time and also be productive in a sense is to get your nose stuck in a good book. Whether its a novel or work-related, this will awaken your mind and take you away from the surroundings of your commute, ensuring you arrive into work much more calm and composed.6. Catch up with a friend or family memberIf you have a busy work and social life, chances are you wont have much time left in the day to catch up with old friends or family members, the commute is a great time to call and see how they are, chances are they will also be on their way to work so should also be free to talk. Sometimes a good chat with a loved one can put you in a really great mood and get you ready to face the day.7. Recharge and revitalizeIf you suffer from stress and anxiety on your way to work, a great thing to do is to get into meditating apps which can really soothe and relax you. Headspace is a great app to calm the mind and make you more productive for the day. Or you could listen to some of your favorite music and take yourself away from the stress of the tube which can add to the anxiety.This column was originally published on YourCoffeeBreak.co.
Saturday, December 7, 2019
The Nuiances of Resume Valley
The Nuiances of Resume Valley Resume Valley No Longer a Mystery Data is rooted in previous events. The website appears professional and contains another page with resume samples. Realtime gaming is an excellent example. Simply download our on-line casino, deposit and begin playing Although this agency doesnt provide a huge number of services, they have the main ones needed by the majority of clients. The company also supplies seasonal discounts that may be discovered on their homepage and absolutely free features like interview hints and revisions for as many as 30 days. It is a dependable company that delivers pocket friendly writing plans. To locate them, you truly wind up looking towards companies which are mostly foreign companies operating in Japan. You shouldnt enter the travel industry because youre passionate about travel. A portfolio resume is a creative resume style that may be used for many different kinds of job search. There are various portfolio resume styl es, so pick the one thats ideal for your job search. It dissertation e commerce a distinctive and all-inclusive kollektiv online to provide quality services to boost your work search. Since there is absolutely no dedicated review or testimonials page on the site, this leads me to doubt the trustworthiness of the site. The very first impression you receive from a site will determine how good or bad you view the business. If you decide to click the links on our website, we might get compensation. Its parteicularly important to use a great template when making an infographic resume. Lets look at the different resume types to select from. Moreover, theres no assurance from their end that youre guaranteed quality content. There arent any completely free features or whatever will help clients to save on resume writing service provided. Losing even a single customer can be damaging to a businesss growth. Therefore, unless youre applying in an extremely creative field, a simple resu me is frequently the thing to do. Our first-hand experience guarantees to provide online unbiased for to resume you manage your work hunt journey easily. A traditional, one-page resume is a remarkable choice in many conditions. Being self taught shows a great deal of courage. Theres a significant difference between both questions. The first couple of times you listen, youll have no idea what theyre speaking about. Actually, all you need to understand is listed on the front page. Youre able to follow resume examples to get inspired, but you have to never copy somebody elses work. If youre a completely new graduate seeking to create your start on your career ladder, we can still help you distinguish yourself from the crowd. If personality is an essential part of the job, including in a sales position, a video resume can be a good way to land an interview. When you would like to find the best resume help, you may simply follow our lead. So should you decide to try to find a new position or job, you dont need to request and pay for an entire new resume. You dont wish to devote many years climbing the corporate ladder till you make a good living. The tough part isnt getting an education in AI, but utilizing this education to earn money. Your CV is often the very first thing following your cover letter than a prospective employer will appear at. When you employ a professional writer to assist you with the application documents, the results will differ. Instead, you could simply include your LinkedIn profile link, where youre able to guarantee that theyll be able to observe your picture. Resumes Guaranteed is a significant game-runner for receiving the sixth spot. Well, a number of them came from recruiters. Resumes Planet is just one of those services. You will receive some interviews. Interview and be surprised at how employable youre.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Cocktails and Conversation with NYCs Fastest
Cocktails and Conversation with NYCs FastestIf you are interested in attending this event, please email us at hipowertofly.com to be considered for a reservation. PowerToFly is kicking off this holiday season with a free evening of cocktails and conversation featuring women leaders from some of New Yorks fastest-growing startups. The night will include product demos, a panel discussion, an audience QA, and of curse plenty of time to network with your peers over drinks and light food. The event will take place on Monday December 17th from 6pm to 8pm at Rise New York, located at 43 W. 23rd Street, New York, NY 10010.Featured startups includeBetter Mortgage, a direct lender dedicated to providing a fast, transparent, and zugreifbar mortgage experience backed by superior customer support. From their offices in New York City, theyre using technology to change the way people finance their homes, for the better. Since their founding, Better Mortgage has funded $1.8 billion of loans Blocksta ck, a new internet for decentralized apps that you access through the Blockstack Browser. With Blockstack, there is a new world of apps that let you own your data and maintain your privacy, security and freedom. Blockstack is a rapidly growing open source community with over 15,584 developers globally. It was co-founded by Ryan Shea and Muneeb Ali in 2013 at Princeton and the core team is distributed across the United States and globally.Chainalysis, builds trust in blockchains between people, businesses and governments. Their Blockchain Intelligence Platform powers compliance and investigation software for the worlds top institutions. Their cryptocurrency investigation software helps law enforcement and financial institutions identify and stop bad actors who are using cryptocurrencies for illicit activity such as fraud, extortion, and money laundering. With an intuitive graphical interface, Chainalysis Reactor enables users to easily conduct in-depth investigations into the source and provenance of cryptocurrency transactions.RapidSOS, a multi-million dollar technology company developing transformative technology that saves lives. Their emergency technology platform links life-saving data from connected devices to 9-1-1 and first responders. RapidSOS technology helps predict emergencies before they occur while also providing accurate locations and data to first responders.Agenda (Subject to Change)600pm - Check-In Networking over Cocktails Light Food630pm - Event Kickoff with Rise New York (The NYC chapter of a global network that brings together the best and brightest startups and experts to create the future of financial services)635pm - Introductory Remarks by PowerToFly640pm - Product Demos, a Panel Discussion and an Audience QA featuring women tech leaders from Better Mortgage, Blockstack, Chainalysis, and RapidSOS720pm - Networking over Cocktails Light FoodAbout our Events All attendees who RSVP are welcome, regardless of race, color, religion, natio nal origin, gender identity, pregnancy, physical or mental disability, or age. If you require accommodation to fully participate in this event, please email hipowertofly.com, and we will contact you to discuss your specific needs.Unfortunately, PowerToFly and its Partners cannot admit outside recruiters to this particular event. Please email hipowertofly.com if you have any questions about this policy.Related Articles Around the Web Rapidsos, Inc. Aki Merced
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