Thursday, December 12, 2019

7 ways to make your commute more productive

7 ways to make your commute mora productive7 ways to make your commute mora productiveTheres a reason we think people who live close to work are really lucky. Most of us dont have that luxury and have to spend an average of an hour getting to and from work every day. Thats a lot of time to waste just sitting in a packed subway car scrolling through your Twitter feed.But if theres no way to avoid the commute, why notlagelage make the most of that time and do something useful? It doesnt matter if you walk to work or travel by car or train, there are plenty of things to keep your commute productive.Take a napIf you often find yourself zoning out while on a bus or a train, you may want to take a quick nap to help your brain recharge.Sleep is known to increase productivity (just like the lack thereof is known to decrease it), so switching off your brain even for a few minutes (unless youre driving or course) could be a great way to restore your mental energy and boost your creative powers . Just make sure not to miss your stop.Get some work doneNot all of us are into doing work outside of our office hours, and thats completely understandable. However, a train or a bus commute is absolutely perfect to knock out a few simple tasks.Reply to emails, review a report, or read up on some industry news. That way youll be able to use the rest of your day to focus on really important stuff. If your company is using a time tracker, log the spent time into mobile timesheet app to get paid later.Plan aheadConstant phone calls, conversations, doors opening and closing all the time most offices are usually not the quietest and relaxing environment, so getting your thoughts in order and doing some planning and organizing can be a bit of a pain. So why not use your commute to clear your head and do some thinking?Get an app on your phone for notes, or use a voice assistant if youre driving. Go through your to-do list, explore a new idea, discover solutions to a problem or reflect on a difficult project. Traveling time is great for thinking.Learn something newIt may not seem like that much at first glance, but the time you spend on commutes every day can add up to several dozen working days over the course of a year.And tempting as it is to use your daily commute as a chance to just relax and do nothing, its hard to argue that a far more productive way to spend all that time would be to tune into a podcast, an audiobook, or a TED Talk.Hell, just crack open a book youve been meaning to read, or even start learning a new language. Its not about not having enough time, its about being smart about the time you have.Listen to musicMost people probably wouldnt consider listening to music as a productive use of time, but its not entirely true. Music can have a tremendous effect on our overall mood and attitude, so listening to music on your way to work can help you start your day on a more positive note (pun fully intended).If youre feeling anxious when arriving at wor k, music can help you reduce some of that stress and get into the right mindset, so that youre ready to face any challenges with confidence.Mix things upWhen it comes to commuting to work its easy to fall into a familiar pattern. After all, how exciting can walking the same four blocks to the subway station be when youve done it literally hundreds of times before.So why not mix things up every now and then? Do you take a bus to work? Consider walking next time. Do you commute by car?Take a bike insteadBreaking up your usual routine like this will not only provide a nice change of scenery but also allow your brain to switch gears, giving your mental energy a much-needed boost.For a lot of people daily commutes are seen as boring and wasted time, but they dont have to be. There are so many ways to stay productive on your way to and from work, whether you drive a car or use public transport. Try incorporating some of the things mentioned above into your routine and get more out of your day7 ways to make your commute more productiveFor many people, the commute into work can seem like a huge waste of time and not to mention monotonous and mundane yet there are so many ways you can make this time productive and start your day off right. Most people utilize their commute time to work on side projects, catch up on work emails, or to listen to interesting and engaging podcasts whatever you do, why not take this time to really work on what you love.Here, the experts at Datadial have listed 7 ways you can make your commute more productive.1. Work on a side hustleEveryone has that side hustle a side project or passion that takes us away from our normal day-job and allows us be creative and passionate about something completely different. If you have a passion or project that you want to work on but find you dont have the time in-between your job and social life, then your commute is a fantastic time to get started on this.2. Listen to podcastsPodcasts have become hugely popular recently and with so many available to choose from, you are guaranteed to never be bored on your commute again. Whether its educational, cultural or interview based, listening to something you enjoy can spark creativity and get you mentally prepared for the day.3. Write a blogMost people have a blog nowadays, and why not Its a great way to get your thoughts and passions down in a place thats your own and can sometimes be quite profitable. Many bloggers who have been writing for some time capitalize on their content if its engaging to their audience, so not only is your commute a great time to get some quality writing done, it might also mean a few extra dollars in your pocket.4. Catch up on emailsYes this one is work related however if you have quite a full on job which is quite time-consuming, sometimes using your morning commute to go through emails, or to prep for meetings can mean you arrive to work feeling much more prepared and ahead of schedule, which means no mad e mail replying before youve even had time to have a coffee result5. Read a good bookSometimes all you need on your commute to pass the time and also be productive in a sense is to get your nose stuck in a good book. Whether its a novel or work-related, this will awaken your mind and take you away from the surroundings of your commute, ensuring you arrive into work much more calm and composed.6. Catch up with a friend or family memberIf you have a busy work and social life, chances are you wont have much time left in the day to catch up with old friends or family members, the commute is a great time to call and see how they are, chances are they will also be on their way to work so should also be free to talk. Sometimes a good chat with a loved one can put you in a really great mood and get you ready to face the day.7. Recharge and revitalizeIf you suffer from stress and anxiety on your way to work, a great thing to do is to get into meditating apps which can really soothe and relax you. Headspace is a great app to calm the mind and make you more productive for the day. Or you could listen to some of your favorite music and take yourself away from the stress of the tube which can add to the anxiety.This column was originally published on

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